Las Vegas trip. June 19-22, 2007.

People there:

- Charles
- Stephan
- Mitesh
- Payam
- Raymond
- John
- Myself

Hallway outisde room

View from room window

Getting ready

Ready to head out.

I had asked Charles and Stephan where I should go Thursday night. Stephan had a few suggestions of places. When I got into town, I got a call from Stephan saying he got me on the list at Tao (in the Venetian). So I went there. It was a couple miles from the Luxor, and I walked.

The Excalibur

Monte Carlo

Construction zone along the strip. This will come up later.

People waiting at the Bellagio water fountain.

I stayed for a while waiting for the fountain to go. There was a family from Thailand, about 7 people, who I was talking to. I definately should go to Thailand.

You can't really tell by this picture, but the guy's phone was awesome

The Paris

In the Bellagio shopping mall. Dior?

This is inside Tao. When I got to the club at about 10 or 10:30, there was a HUGE line outside. It looked like an hour wait. There was no one in the guest/vip/whatver list line. So I was inside within a minute!! THANKS STEPHAN! I had never met Stephan yet, but after this I had a very high opinion of him. Anyways, these guys here had the towel head things on. They walked in each with a girl. I thought it entertaining to watch them dance. When I saw them coming in, I thought they might be really conservative based on their headwear and beards. Nope.

Gia, a girl from LA that I met there.

Tao was awesome on Thursday. It was crowded but not too full. Drinks were expensive but I brought a flask. There was a lot of different types of people there and it was a good good time. That's all the pictures I took on Thursday.
